Forward Thinking Podcast

FTP: S01#06 Whistleblowing-ul si obligatiile legale ce revin companiilor

act | Botezatu Estrade Partners Season 1 Episode 6

In episode #06 of the Forward Thinking Podcast, powered by act | Botezatu Estrade Partners law firm, Andrei Petre, act lawyer, talks to Adrian Sandru, act lawyer specialised in white-collar crimes matters, about what whistleblowing is, how will Romania have to transpose the Directive (UE) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and most importantly, how badly will non-compliance affect companies. This is a hot topic for the whole international community, as the EU Directive came in response to a number of scandals discovered and made public in recent years by whistleblowers, including the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the Panama Papers, which highlighted the lack of protection for those trying to expose corporate crimes in the public interest. What’s left is to see how Romania will attend to this global issue at legislative level and how companies will comply. Discussions are held in Romanian.