Forward Thinking Podcast

FTP: S01#04 Raspunderea personalului medical in contextul COVID-19

act | Botezatu Estrade Partners Season 1 Episode 4

In Romania, where 12% of the COVID-19 infestation cases is represented by the healthcare workers, the question of whether the medical personnel is liable if refusing to treat an infected patient is now brought to the legal arena’s attention. In episode #04 of the Forward Thinking Podcast, powered by act | Botezatu Estrade Partners law firm, Andrei Petre, act lawyer, talks to Daniela Goreacii, act lawyer who has strong expertise on the subject, about how the medical personnel should legally deal with this problem that may affect their lives, and also about what this situation might bring - a wave of disputes between doctors and hospitals, as well as between COVID-19 infected patients in hospitals and medical units. Discussions are held in Romanian.